Monday, 5 April 2010

Bank Holiday Weekend was Eggcellent!

Hey hey everyone.

Had a Bank holiday weekend, went to a work's Ann Summers party earlier on in Saturday and then went out for a rare night out with some old friends from school. I was disappointed that the shops weren't open on Sunday, I always seem to forget they are and wake up far earlier then I should have!

Today I went along with my mum to the Museum of Kent Life where I stroked a few sheep and baby lambs, got startled by a pig who decided he wanted to jump up to say hello and then had a look at all the old replicas of cottages during the 1940's, 1950's etc. We also attempted a bunny hunt but forgot all about it halfway through and then remembered again and only got a total of about 5 bunnies. Damn I missed out on a tiny mini egg. So disappointed. lol. Then we headed off to Sherwood Oak for a quick bite to eat and I got in the wrong lane on the roundabout and almost smashed my car up hahahaha. Still alls well that ends well eh!:)

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