Imagine the scenario, it's Friday night and you're getting ready for a night out. You've got your hot dress and your shoes, now you just need to spend 10 minutes trying to apply your false lashes. Wouldn't it be amazing if you could spend that ten minutes having a nice drink instead?
UrLash is a innovative new product that uses clinically proven ingredients to help thicken, lengthen and condition your lashes. Using cutting edge technologies, the scientifically advanced formula contains potent peptides, powerful stem cells and many other nourishing ingredients to help grow your lashes.
After two weeks, users in clinical trials found there was 25% increase in the thickness and length of their lashes. After 6 weeks a increase of 75% had been achieved.
- Full EU safety/regulatory compliance
- Safe, effective, non irritating formula
- Works great on eyebrows too!
- No animal testing
- Helps thicken, lengthen and condition eyelashes
- Clinically proven ingredients
So what are you waiting for get entering today!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I have never tried them but they have to be better than the heavy false eyelashes you get. I'd love to try.
I think as long as too much is not applied then your lashes look good but too. Uck is a no no
I've never tried eyelash enhancing products before other than regular mascara.
I would like to think they do work and I much prefer enhancing to false lashes as its more natural!
I've never tried anything to enhance my lashes before but hope they work as my lashes need it lately! x
I have never tried but would love to x
i have used eyelash conditioner before and found it very effective.
I haven't found that they work.
I've never tried them but I would like to have a go.
I'm not sure to be honest but I really hope so!! :)
I would love to find out and yes I hope they do work. xx
i have never tried but think they probably do!
I think they do work and they are more natural looking than false lashes.. would love to try this!
I have tried it once before but didnt have the feeling it worked, would love to give it another go :)
I've tried some that do and some that don't - think it all depends, obviously products work differently for everyone as well.
I've never actually tried them but i would like to to see if they work
Got to be worth a try x
yes i think there great if you dont go over the top x
I've never tried them, but I'd like to think they do so would love to try them!
On a beauty website, there were before and after pictures taken two months apart and the difference was striking. If I was sure it was safe, I would be more than happy to sue it!
I'm hoping that if I win this prize I'll be able to tell you either way!
I'm undecided...Some people say they work, others don't! It would be nice to get the opportunity to find out (:
Bex Smith
my mate thinks they are brilliant - but i dont believe her...i want to try them myelf
Not sure so would be great to try it for myself
I've never tried it, but would like to give it a go.
I've never tried any eyelash enhancing products,but I'd give it a go!
The only one that has worked for me so far is "Falsies". So the majority don't work.
Never tried one but would love to.
I've never tried an enhancing serum - I'm a bit dubious about their effectiveness but would love to be proven wrong.
I have never used them, but would love to try. I have read lot's of reviews saying that they do work though.
I've found that some of them do, but finding products that actually live up to their promises is a bit 'hit & miss'. With some products I think it's got alot to do with 'getting the knack' of applying them correctly - something I'm not very good at to be honest!
I have not tried them but i am rubbish at false eyelashes and spend ages struggling with them, only to come off halfway through the night , so it has to be worth a try :)
The idea is fantastic but have yet to try any products, though I would really love to.
Ive not tried them so dont really know but would certainly like to try it
Ive not tried them so dont really know but would certainly like to try it
Never tried them but would love to give them a shot! My long eyelashes are my fave feature so would love to be able to enhance them more!
Havent found one that works yet!
never tried them. Would be good if they worked though x
I think it would be great if it does what it says on the tin....I remain a sceptic, however! Would love to be proven wrong!!!!
I've only tried lash enhancing mascara and didn't think that much of it. Would love to try this though :)
I've never tred them, by I'm open to giving them a chance!
I've never tried it, but as I refuse to use mascara (ew!), I'll give it a shot!
Yes they do work. as long as you apply it correctly.
i think they work but are sometimes a bit too much.
The only eyelash enhancing product I use is Mascara and that definately works!
I need to try one to find out!
i havent a clue if they work. I would like to think they do and love the chance to find out for myself :O)
I'm willing to give them a go! I am Miss Stubby Eyelashes
I've never tried eyelash enhancing products before
I love any product that makes my eyelashes look nice, I have really light lashes and have to wear mascara to make them noticable, so all other products are a bonus to me
Thank you xx
Never tried them! Would loke to.
As I haven't had the chance to try eyelash enhancing products I am not sure. I would love to try and find out for myself. :) x
I think they work :) Some have made a big difference for me. I have tiny eyelashes and they drive me mad so I will try anything that might help :)
Yes, they do work
ive never tried them tbh but would love to try :)
Have never tried them. You never know they might work! I have read that Vaseline can help them grow longer. Don't know if that's true or not! XOXO
The ones I have tried haven't really worked, not to any noticeable degree. Annoying, because chemo left my lashes a bit sparse.
Looks cool-love to try it
I've never tried them but I would like to have a go.
Never tried them but would love too!
I haven't ever tried them! But they have got to be better then wearing three pairs of false eye lashes at a time. YES I SAID THREE!! xx
I think they can if done correctly
I've never tried them, so don't know, but I can' see why they wouldn't work!
I have never tried them but I would like to think they do
I would thibk they do work as long as you do not apply too much
i belive they do work yes
i've never tried them, but i'm a bit cynical so i'd like to give it a go
I've tried RapidLash in the past and it does work but didn't see results until at least a couple of months. Definitely made them noticeably longer and thicker though so yes, there are working lash enhancers out there! Keen to try other brands too!
Haven't tried them but have considered it. Might just give them a go reading other positive comments.
The wife says yes after a long day at work...Then out for a meal
facebook stan theman
Desperately seeking lashes!!
I haven't tried them but I would imagine they would be preferable to false lashes
I've never tried a product like this but being a total false lash addict I'd love to find out, it would save me so much time!
I'm in the expensive false lashes trap, wearing them everyday! And wearing each pair for as many days possible before i appear to have spides legs growing out of me lids! Without them i seem to have no eyes and if i very dare leave the house without them people say i look 'different'.
All mascaras no matter the price or promises just don't do anything and even eyelash curlers wont curve my staight stubby little lashes. Help!
I dont know, I have never try them before.
I've never tried them, but would be worth a try, would save using mascara every day xx
I have never tried them either - perhaps this will give me a chance to
ive never tried this before, but i think this will work because of ive read about this and found out it combined with its clinically proven ingredients which can help thicken, lengthen and condition eye lashes :-) would love to try!!
I think falash lashes are good but mascara never gives you quite the same effect
havent tried them but would like to
I haven't tried any enhancers before so would love to see
if0 it does work.
Never tried but I'd love to have long luscious eyelashes so I'd definitely love to try it
I've never tried them - but would love to give them ago as I have heard some good (but possibly biased) reportd
I've never tried them but would also love to give them a go. Unfortunately circumstances this year limit my luxury buys!
Yes they do, in the main, but you got to buy quality.
That is what I want to find out
I've never tried them. My mum used to wear them until the dog ate them.
my eye lashes are really short and i havent found anyrhing that works yet, but id love to give this a go. ill try anything!
I've only ever tried lash enhancing mascaras and to be honest never thought they did that much.
I've never tried them, but my lashes are so short I'd love it to be true and to try this out!
aside from mascara i have never tried eyelash enhancing products, but i would like to :)
Mavala Double Lash does! I know loads of friends who have tried it! There lashes are also very conditioned from it!
I have used them a few times and they have seemed to help me. Nothing is as dramatic as falsies though.
Like many others I have never tried, but this would be fabulous for me! I burnt off all my lashes, and since they have grown back they are very short and stumpy, very different to how they used to be. I would love to try this out. x
I have never tried but I would like to think they do work
sounds fab :-)
always wanted to try them but reluctant to spend the money on them as I have so many other things I could buy instead :-) Surely they must work otherwise they wouldn't be allowed ot make the claims.
I've never tried them before but I've heard good feedback from friends so I'd love to give it a try!
I've never tried but it can't do any harm
I've never tried them but I'd like to think they would
I think it could if you get it into your routine
I've never tried an eyelash enhancer, but could certainly deal with one
I wouldent mind trying them but have to say im sceptic le about the idea
Never tried myself but read some really good reviews
a great prize i have been wanting to try a lash grower heard some do work but some do not
email is
thank you
I've never tried any but i really want to, there always seems something 'more important' to spend my money on!
Thanks :D
You never go about sticking just about anything to your eyes, right? Of course, you will never use any product when you know that it might make you experience some side effects such as eye discoloration, skin discoloration or worse, a permanent damage to your eyes. You must never make use of any product that can make you experience some negative side effects. The best eyelash enhancer should not pose any threat to your appearance and your health. While thicker and fuller eyelashes are undeniably desirable, you would certainly prefer to have mediocre eyelashes than to risk your eyes’ overall health.
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