If you love making a bit of money on the side in your spare time, be it via surveys, mystery shopping, blogging or other avenues I'm sure you'll always be looking for news ways to generate a bit of cash. Having spent many man hours browsing http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/ I found lots of wonderful tips, although most of those involved a lot of hard work (i.e. Avon, Betterware, Bodyshop at Home etc).
I did however come across Read Bud, this site is perfect for those who enjoy reading internet articles and would do so anyway for free. All you need to do is select 50 interests and then you start reading. You earn on average $0.04 + for one article which really isn't bad at all for 30 seconds skim reading.
Well worth it if you ask me!
Alternatively you can try My Lot, it's not as fast a earner as Read Bud but you can get paid for simply joining in conversations with other members and undertake tasks.
Happy earning money! :)
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