Monday, 2 November 2009

Monday, Monday..

For some reason today I just wasn't feeling my usual chirpy *ha*! self. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but I just felt quite miserable about something. I had been given one day at work at my casual job which I hadn't been to for a week so maybe it was feeling out of sorts there. Then i've got a interview tomorrow.. wish me luck!! and it's for a job that seems really interesting so maybe that also troubled me.

Anywho I got to work and found out that I got invited in cos they're very low on numbers. I was on my feet all day as it is very much a front of house role helping students with enquiries and it did not STOP! Student after student came flocking in wanting everything from council tax exemption letters to student status/bank letters/new id cards or questions relating to courses that were wrong etc etc. Now I have not been trained for this role as it was intially just for registration so it's very much learn as u go along and i'm constantly having to ask for assistance as I don't always know the answer. It's quite annoying, I wish I knew myself but I guess that's all part of the job. A little bit of training would help me be far more independent though!

With the council tax theres around 1500 letters that come up and you sort through them with the find option and the student ID number. A few times i forgot to print current page only and rapidly hurried to save the printer from printing all 1500 letters. Luckily no one found that one out. LOL.

I also got another call for a job interview - this one being with Lipcomb on Friday at 4pm. Wish me luck y'all.

I've got my swimming lesson later, I decided to learn to better myself as I was never taught as a kid. Unfortunately i've still not quite grasped it, whilst the newbies to the repeted beginner course i'm doing grasped it straight away. SO UNFAIR !!

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